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xena warrior princess

what you should know

I would like to thank you for watching this wonderful series!

I started watching Xena in October 2023 (not that long ha!)

I fell in love with Xena within the first 5 minutes of starting to watch this show.

I want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to watch this show, so I created this website.

Remember, if you can watch Xena legally,

please do so to support the show!

I will take this fan site down if the studio remasters Xena or
if the show owner or the studio tells me to take this fan site down,

I will do so willingly.

Frequently asked Questions

Q: Sometimes I can't watch it because the file is missing (404) or the website is inaccessible.

A:  There are so many people watching xena that our bandwidth is reaching its limit.

so we down for maintenance .

Q: Is there any chance to watch Xena in other dubs and subtitles?

A: Absolutely! I'm working on this right now. It might take a while because I'm upscaling all the videos and adding other dubs ​​so it takes time to do these projects. The dubbings I'm working on :

- French

- German

- Italian

- Portuguese Brazil

- Latino

- Castellano

I bought the French and German DVD sets, which have different titles and durations from the other files, so I had to upscale the video quality separately, so it took me a while as I have a lot of Xena projects to do.

Q: I would like to be a part of helping to make Xena subtitles in my language.

A: Thank you very much! I'm glad you want to help. As I have a lot of Xena projects in progress right now, it may take me a while to respond to your messages and emails. I haven't ignored them and have already labeled them as important. It may take up to a month. I'll let you know when I open up a team for subtitle translation.

Q: Can I download Xena files on this website?

A:  Yes, but it might take a while because as I said I have a Xena project that I'm working on. The Xena upscaled files are about 5GB per episode, so a season is about 100GB, which is a lot of data. And I have monthly website expenses to cover, so it's not convenient to upload these large files. I need to compress the files first, but it might take a long time to do it because I want to finish other Xena projects first.

Q: What are some of the Xena projects you are working on?

A: Various things. Right now I'm trying to upscale Xena to the best quality and add each language dubbing. I'm upscaling the video quality of Xena conventions from the past years. I have almost all the DVDs of the conventions and also contributed files from kind anonymous. I also upscaled all Xena fan club kits, which I will upload on my YouTube channel. The finished project is all of Lucy's concerts in higher video quality on YouTube. There is also a project to upscale the video quality of Xena's special content, such as Xena documentaries, behind-the-scenes, interviews in each episode, etc. I will also upload official Xena photos that I have purchased and collected, as well as Xena's magazines that I will scan and upload to the website later. There are many other projects that I plan to do.

Q: I still have questions, how can I contact you?

Gmail :

It may take up to a month for a response. I read all emails and will respond to emails with questions other than FAQ as quickly as possible.

2025 fan website

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